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Chisel Your Abs in 8 Minutes At-Home

You may have heard the saying, "Abs are made in the kitchen."

While that may be true, I like to workout my abs in the living room!

(Yes, I do know what the saying actually implies.)

I like to look for quick and effective workouts where someone tells me exactly what to do because I'm not super creative at coming up with something on my own.

If that sounds like you, perfect! I'm writing out the exact moves you can do to chisel your abs without ever leaving your home. Heck, you can even do this while watching TV!

This is an 8 minute workout. Each move is a minute long. Some moves you will repeat.

This workout can be done with or without dumbbells. I used dumbbells in the video. If you don't have any at home, you can improvise with different household objects, food, wine bottles, or not use anything at all.

8 Minute Ab Workout:

  1. Left Side Bend (1 minute)

  2. Standing Twist (1 minute)

  3. C-Curve Abs (1 minute)

  4. Left Side V Ups (1 minute)

  5. Right Side Bend (1 minute)

  6. Standing Twist (1 minute)

  7. C-Curve Abs (1 minute)

  8. Right Side V Ups (1 minute)

Reference this video while you do the exercises or watch it before so you know what the moves are.

It's important to make this workout your own. If you have trouble doing any move, modify it. If you want to try something more advanced, go for it. You got this!

***Also, if you're looking to do a longer workout, pair these ab exercises with my 8 Minute At-Home Cardio Workout.***


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