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Fat Tuesday but without the extra calories

Diet root beer + no sugar added fat free vanilla ice cream

Happy Fat Tuesday, friends! (Aka Mardi Gras Day or Shrove Day -- or so a quick Google search says.)

This *holiday* I'm watching my added sugar intake. It was my New Year's Resolution for 2019 but didn't go so well. This year I didn't even bother making it a resolution, but I'm definitely trying to be mindful.

So instead of a Paczki, which is a filled donut, or even a King Cake, I'm making a root beer float -- but diet.

Since you're reading this, you're probably interested in how this whole "celebrating Fat Tuesday on a diet" works. I'm using diet root beer and no sugar added fat free vanilla ice cream. WHAT?! Does that even taste good? How close to the real deal is it?

Great questions. I gotcha covered. Keep reading.


STEP 1: diet root beer

-I like A&W diet root beer. I think the taste is the best compared to others that I've tried.

-Obviously you pour some root beer into a glass to get this root beer float started.


STEP 2: no sugar added fat free vanilla ice cream

-I did a taste test, like any good food reviewer would do, and to tell you the truth, it's pretty good. It's not as creamy or fattening as *real* vanilla ice cream, but I'm happy with the calories and no sugar added aspect.


STEP 3: combine root beer and ice cream

-You need to add a couple of scoops of ice cream into the glass with root beer. This is tricky, or at least it is for me. I love to over indulge and add too much ice cream. Some how I always end up overflowing my glass. Whoops!


STEP 4: straw and spoon

-It shouldn't be that hard to enjoy your tasty masterpiece. Dive in, baby!


Worth noting:

-A&W diet root beer = 0 cals

-Purple Cow no sugar added/fat free vanilla ice cream = 90 cals per 2/3 cup


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